Want to get more involved in what's happening in your community?
We're looking for a new Treasurer and Newsletter Committee Chair.
To submit interest in one of these roles, please fill out this form.
We also have less time-intensive volunteering opportunities available in our committees - find more info about them below, and fill out this form to submit interest.
Only want to volunteer once in a while? Or need an excuse to get out of the house or get more steps in? Volunteer to adopt-a-route and help deliver The Leaflet by filling out this form.
Advocacy Committee
This committee engages with the community on topics of concern, organizes forums of discussion, and elevates concerns to stakeholders in city government.

Communications Committee
This committee is in charge of outbound communications (email, social media, physical collateral, etc.), website updates, and flagging inbound communications for relevant committees.

Newsletter Committee
This committee is in charge of organizing, planning, coordinating, publishing, and distributing the Leaflet; includes organizing volunteers for sorting and distribution, editing, and curating newsletter content.

We're in need of volunteers to assist us in Leaflet newsletter distribution on a quarterly basis. Sign up for a couple blocks (or more if you're really looking to get those steps!).

Business Committee
This committee is responsible for engaging and building relationships with the businesses and organizations in and around Maple Leaf; conducts outreach to businesses for sponsorship, donation, and engagement opportunities.

Events Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing, planning, and coordinating the various events we run for the community; partnering with neighbors to help them launch their own community events and supporting with advice, promotion and resourcing; and collaborating with Communications Committee for promotion.
Subcommittees include: Spring Egg Hunt, Summer Social, Movies in the Park,
Halloween Parade, New Event Development

Outreach Committee
This committee is responsible for organizing Community Meetings and efforts to increase neighborhood participation through volunteering, fundraising, and promoting events in non-digital channels.

Miscellaneous Help
Oftentimes, we need volunteers for day-of event support, data entry, contributing to our newsletter stories, and more. Options like these are great opportunities for teenagers needing volunteer hours. If you have any interest in helping out outside of the scope of a committee, send us an email!